KBPW purchased the Kennett gas system from Associated Natural Gas on December 3, 1984. The system consists of more than 127 miles of gas pipe line. The gas personnel are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the natural gas system owned by the City of Kennett. Their duties include installing new main extensions, service lines and meter sets, annual inspections of valves and regulators. They investigate and repair gas leaks and respond to emergency calls 24 hours a day.
The Gas Department uses a variety of tools, instruments and equipment to perform their duties such as combustible gas indicators, flame ionization units, line locators, carbon monoxide monitors, pressure gauges and voltmeters.
Ozark Transmission and Texas Eastern are KBPW’s two sources for gas supply. KBPW’s Gas Department falls under the jurisdiction of the Missouri Public Service Commission and the U.S. Department of Transportation for safety.
The goal of the department is to deliver natural gas to the citizens of Kennett at the most cost effective way while doing it safely.
How Natural Gas Gets to Our Citizens
Our journey begins at a location not unlike this where we receive the natural gas from one of two major transmission pipe lines. Ozark Gas Transmission and Texas Eastern are KBPW’s two sources for gas supply.
When we receive the natural gas from the transmission pipelines it has no “odor.” We use a facility like this to put the “odor” in the natural gas. This is done so that any leaks can be detected by anyone that can smell.
From the transmission pipe lines, the natural gas is sent out through more than 127 miles of our distribution system, where it then arrives at the customers’ homes.
When it reaches your home, the natural gas goes through a meter, similar to the one pictured above. This meter records usage as it distributes the natural gas to your home.
Natural Gas Safety
To report a gas leak, evacuate the building or area immediately and call 888-5366 during business hours and 888-2888 after hours, on weekends and holidays. There is no charge for KBPW to respond to a possible gas leak anytime day or night, weekends, or holidays.
In the event you become aware of a gas leak, please follow these safety procedures:
- ALL LEAKS: Extinguish all open flames. Do not light matches, cigarettes, etc. – turn off the gas supply, if feasible – evacuate the building or area – report the leak immediately.
- INSIDE LEAKS: Do not turn on or off any electrical switches, leave the building, leaving the door open to ventilate, then call us and report the leak. (Do not use the phone in the area of the gas leak.)
- OUTSIDE LEAKS: Shut off any equipment in the immediate area that might ignite the gas then leave the area. Call us and report the leak.
In an emergency, the gas supply to any house or building can be shut off at the gas meter.
Some Facts About Natural Gas
Natural Gas is a flammable gas, consisting largely of methane and other hydrocarbons, which occurs naturally underground (often in association with petroleum) and is used as a fuel.
Lighter Than Air
If Natural Gas escapes into the atmosphere, it dissipates rapidly. A heavier-than-air gas, such as propane or gasoline fumes, would settle and accumulate near the ground.
Non-Toxic and Non-Poisonous
Natural Gas contains no toxic poisonous ingredients that can be absorbed into the blood when inhaled.
Colorless & Odorless
Natural gas is a colorless, odorless fossil fuel composed almost entirely of methane, but does contain small amounts of other gases, including ethane, propane, butane and pentane. We add a chemical odorant to the gas when it comes into the city’s gas system.
Has Narrow Combustion Limits
This helps ensure predictable, safe use. Natural Gas will only ignite when there is an air-and-gas mixture of between 4.5 and 14.5 percent Natural Gas. Any mixture containing less than 5 percent or greater than 15 percent Natural Gas will not ignite.
Safe & Reliable
Natural Gas is a safe, economical, and reliable form of energy. Natural Gas pipelines are monitored to maintain service and reliability.
Money Saving Tips
Have your furnace inspected regularly by a qualified professional for both safety and energy efficiency.
Follow the maintenance guidelines in the operating manual. Start the heating season with a clean furnace filter and inspect each month.
Clean or replace the filter as necessary. Clean the vents regularly. Make sure that drapes or furniture do not block vents or return air ducts.
Only heat the rooms you need – seal off unused rooms by closing vents and keeping the doors tightly shut.
If your furnace has a built-in humidifier, use it. Dry air feels cooler at the same temperature as humid air.
Checking your house for air leaks and adding insulation can be a great investment. Common sources of air leaks include cracks around doors and along baseboards; cracks in brick, siding or foundation. Plug air leaks with caulk or weather-stripping. Adequate insulation in your attic, walls, floors, and unfinished basements or crawlspaces can have a huge impact on your heating bill.
Turn ceiling fans to counter clockwise so the warm air is pushed down.
Consider replacing old windows with new high efficiency windows.
Open draperies on sunny days to allow sunlight to help heat the home. Close them at night to prevent heat from escaping.
Plant shrubs, bushes and vines next to your home to create dead air spaces that help insulate the exterior wall. Make sure to have one foot of space between the wall and the fully mature plant.
Excess Flow Valve Notification
for Gas Services
As required by the U.S. Department of Transportation, you are hereby notified that an excess flow valve (EFV) which meets the minimum DOT performance standards is available for installation on your natural gas service line. Please note that such a device is not required for the normal, safe operation of your service line, but could help to mitigate the consequences of a service line failure by shutting off the flow of natural gas automatically in the event of a service line break. To install an EFV, KBPW gas department personnel will be required to expose your service line near the main, disconnect your service line from the main, install the EFV, and reconnect your service line. The cost of the installation will vary depending on your situation, not to exceed $500. Costs for maintaining and replacing an EFV may later be incurred at a charge of up to $500 per instance. EFVs will be installed on a mutually agreeable date. To request an EFV installation quote or for more information, please call 573-888-5366.
Frequently Ask Questions
Gas Department
Q: The excess flow valve is designed to cut off the flow of natural gas if a line breaks. Why won’t it shut off if it is a leak?
A: The excess flow valve only works for excess flow. A leak is normally not a large flow of gas but is a steady low flow that can add up to a large usage over the period of a month.
Q: Why does there have to be a pressure test done when the gas is off for six months or longer, but there is an exception to this rule if the gas if off for a season disconnect in which the gas might be off longer than six months?
A: The purpose of a pressure test is to ensure that the customer’s service lines are able to maintain a safe operating pressure and to ensure the integrity of the line. When gas is disconnected and appliances are moved in and out of a residence, there is potential for damage and or corrosion to the customer service lines. Performing a pressure test for a line that has sat unused for more than six months helps to ensure the safety of the inhabitants.
Seasonal disconnects are simply turning the flow of gas back on to the same appliances that were there when the gas was shut off.
Q: Where does the natural gas in Kennett come from?
A: Our natural gas is supplied to the area via two separate pipelines. The Ozark Gas Transmission Line comes into the area from the west of Kennett, and travels northeast. We take gas from that line at our “Ozark Take Point” near Industrial Drive. The Texas Eastern pipe line is located near Campbell, Missouri. Our “TETCO Take Point” is located west of Campbell. Maps of the transmission lines can be found online at www.SpectraEnergy.com.