Water & Sewer
The City of Kennett began the production and sale of water in 1913. It was a little more than seven years later that the first wastewater service became available in Kennett. Now, KBPW serves over 4,700 water and sewer customers. The source of Kennett’s water supply is four shallow wells. When most people turn on their faucets, they do not stop to think of how the water gets to their house.
The Water and Sewer Department personnel install water mains, new water and sewer lines, and make service taps for residences and businesses. In addition, they conduct maintenance on lines, valves, wells and pumps, fire hydrants and lift stations. KBPW’s Water and Sewer Department is available to respond to emergencies 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
KBPW’s Water and Sewer Department personnel are required by the Department of Natural Resources to undergo training and testing in order to operate the water distribution system.
A minimum of 10 water samples are sent to a lab for testing each month in order to assure that the drinking water is safe.