Water Treatment
Kennett PWS Water Treatment Monitoring Requirements
Kennett’s water supply is taken from four ground water wells that extend 100 to 130 feet below the surface. The water produced by these wells is of naturally high quality and free from harmful levels of chemicals and bacteria. However, it does contain levels of iron and dissolved calcium, which makes treatment of the water necessary to remove excess levels of these substances.
The ability to supply a safe, adequate source of water is vital to any community, large or small, and many towns have treatment plants for this purpose. Trained operators are necessary in order to control the treatment process, do quality assurance testing, as well as operate and maintain the equipment needed to perform water treatment.
Water Treatment Plant Operators are licensed by the State of Missouri upon completion of training and testing.
Curious About Lead and Copper in Our Local Water Supply?
Lead and copper enters into drinking water mainly from corrosion in plumbing materials. The key to low levels of lead and copper is based upon two criteria.
The first criteria is the low corrosiveness of our water. Currently, our pH is controlled to an approximate value of 7.0 – 7.5, or neutral status. It is neither acidic nor alkaline leaving our Water Treatment Facility and entering into the city water mains.
Second, periodic testing is performed at various locations throughout the city of Kennett to help identify any household plumbing materials such as faucets, lines, solder, etc. that may contain levels of lead or copper.
The established action level for Lead (Pb) is 0.015 milligrams per liter (mg/L) and 1.3 mg/L for Copper (Cu), based upon the 90th percentile level of the tap water sampled.
Kennett’s lead and Copper 90th percentile is well below both action levels.
Our distribution system mains are primarily made up of ductile iron piping with some area subdivisions using C900 polyvinyl chlorinated (pvc) mains.
All community water systems (CWS’s) must collect first draw samples at taps in homes/buildings that are at high risks of lead and copper contamination as defined in EPA 40 CFR 141.86(a).
Kennett Board of Public Works has employees with the water treatment facility that oversees the collection and sampling process.
The number of sample is determined by the systems size in population. Under the standard requirements the City of Kennett would have to sample every 6 months a total of 60 samples; however, we qualify for reduced monitoring so that number drops to 30 samples every three years.
The sampling site locations are determined by a Tier criteria base format. Those Tiers are categorized from high hazard to lowest hazard. Tier I have a higher priority for sampling than those for Tier IV. Kennett is fortunate to not have many Tier I categorical locations to date. The majority of sampling sites thus far, have been the lower Categorical Tier locations. The repeated low detections of lead and copper in the sample results is why we have been put on the reduced monitoring status. For Kennett’s individual sampling site results you can access Missouri Department of Natural Resources Drinking Water Watch website at https://www.dnr.mo.gov/DWW/.
Additional Information
Below are some additional information sheets that explains both Lead and Copper more in detail. Some of the key points covers the health effects of lead and copper, sources of lead and copper, and how can you reduce your exposure.
Copper in Missouri Drinking Water
Lead in Missouri Drinking Water
Kennett Building and Construction Ordinance
Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call us at 573-888-2023.
Tours Available
Doug Criswell, Water Treatment Plant Director, offers free tours to schools, scout troops, and community organizations. Contact our office at 573-888-5366 to set up your tour up today.
Taste, Odor & Color Problems
If your water doesn’t come out of the tap good-tasting and clean, there is usually something you can do about it at home. While most common home water quality concerns do not pose a health risk, you still want your water to taste, look and smell good. Use the information below to learn about which water quality concerns are safety risks, and which ones you can easily treat to improve your water’s taste, color and odor. If you don’t see your water quality concern listed here, please call KBPW at 888-5366 for advice.
This problem is sometimes seen first thing in the morning, or after periods of lower water use. It is also seen at seldom-used faucets. The water should clear after flushing the faucet briefly. The cause is most likely galvanized iron plumbing in the building. It does not indicate that the plumbing is about to fail or that it needs to be replaced, unless there is also a noticeable reduction in water pressure. If this is only occurring with hot water, flushing the hot water tank may help by clearing out the sediment in the bottom of the tank.
Hot water increases the rate of corrosion in plumbing. You may want to consult a plumber for safety precautions. If the discoloration is sudden, there may be some activity that has disturbed the direction or rate of flow in the water main, such as use of a fire hydrant or a water main valve in your vicinity. This should clear on its own. Try running the water for a few minutes to see if it is clearing or still discolored. If the water does not clear, let the water sit for an hour. Then run the water for a few minutes and flush the toilet a couple of times.
If this happens suddenly it is usually due to some activity involving the use of a fire hydrant. These will usually clear up without further action when the water settles in the main. If it doesn’t clear after a few minutes of flushing (flush cold water taps only), shut off the faucet and wait an hour before flushing the faucets and the toilets again.
If the water doesn’t clear up after an hour, contact KBPW. Avoid running hot water if the cold water is still discolored. This will minimize filling the hot water tank with turbid water. If you are washing clothes at the time, it is better to stop the cycle while it is full and wait until clean water is available to finish. If you allow the water to empty from the washing machine and go into the spin cycle it is more likely to cause permanent staining to the laundry items.
Cloudy water is usually caused by tiny air bubbles in the water similar to gas bubbles in carbonated beverages. Usually, this cloudiness occurs in the winter, when the drinking water is cold. Cloudiness can also be the result of fine silt that is stirred up from operations of hydrants or flow reversals. If you notice cloudy water, fill a clean, clear glass with water from the cold tap and let it sit on the counter. If the water starts to clear at the bottom of the glass first, it is caused by air in the lines. This is probably due to air bubbles — either from dissolved oxygen being released or trapped air in the plumbing. In our region, it would most likely be from air trapped in the plumbing.
If you are also noticing sputtering from the faucet — and have had recent plumbing work — it is probably the air trapped when the water refilled the empty plumbing. This should clear as the water is used. If others in the neighborhood have a similar problem, especially where KBPW has been working on the main, the problem may be the result of air trapped in a water main or from fine silt which has been stirred up. If it is silt, it should settle out with time, as mentioned in the “Brown or Black Muddy Water” section. However, if the problem appears to be from air trapped in the main, please contact KBPW.
Foaming water, especially from kitchen sinks, can be caused by dish detergent being splashed on the faucet. If your water is foaming, shake up a glass of water to form a layer of bubbles. Does the layer last when you stop shaking? Does it smell like soap? Is this coming from more than one tap? If only one tap is affected (usually the kitchen faucet with an aerator), dish washing detergent may have been splashed onto the faucet. This can be rinsed off and the problem should clear up.
If this problem occurs at all of your faucets, call KBPW. Save some of the water to show to the inspector, and refrain from drinking or cooking with the water until it is checked out.
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