Other Devices / Programs not listed in sidebar
If you can’t find your device or program in the list, please use these settings to configure your mail:
Incoming Server / IMAP
Hostname: mail.kbpw.net
Port: 993
Connection Security: SSL/TLS
Authentication Method: Normal Password
Username: full email address (youremail@kbpw.net)
Outgoing Server / SMTP
**(Please Note, if you use port 587, you need to select STARTTLS. If you choose port 465, you need to select SSL/TLS)**
Hostname: mail.kbpw.net
Port: 587 or 465
Connection Security: STARTTLS or SSL/TLS
Authentication Method: Encrypted Password
Username: full email address (youremail@kbpw.net)
If you select the port 587 with STARTTLS and it doesn’t work, try using port 465 and SSL/TLS.